Frequent Questions

What are the check-in/check-out times?
Check-in time at Casa da Clarinha, Chalé dos Penedos and Cruzeiro's Guest House is between 4pm and 11pm. If guests wish to arrive later, we recommend that they inform us as soon as possible so that we can provide them with the desired arrival time. Check-out is until 12 noon.

Are bed linen and towels included?
Yes, bed linen and towels are included in your stay. We do not provide towels for the pool.

I'm traveling with children, is it possible to put them in a crib?
All children are welcome. Cribs are available at Casa da Clarinha, Chalé dos Penedos or Cruzeiro's Guest House for children up to 4 years old, subject to availability.

How does parking work?
At Casa da Clarinha and Chalé dos Penedos, parking is available in front of the house, across the street. At Cruzeiro's Guest House there is parking for 3 or 4 vehicles on the property, and in the front there is space for more.

What is the rest period?
Guests must respect the rest period between 23h and 8h.

Can I bring my pet?
Pets are allowed at an additional cost. Only Casa da Clarinha and Chalé dos Penedos are pet friendly.

Does the accommodation have a transfer service?
We offer a transfer service, to and from, the airport on request and at an additional cost.

Can I change/cancel my booking?
Our cancellation policy does not allow for refunds. Once 50% of the booking price has been paid, the guest has the option of rebooking, depending on the availability of the accommodation.

Is it mandatory to report accommodation for foreign nationals to SEF?
Companies operating tourist accommodation that provide accommodation to foreign nationals are obliged to notify SEF within three working days.